His eyes were a dark brown; like a rich chocolate color. It makes you smile because damn, chocolate is your favorite. His smile is bright like an actor’s and his teeth are a little bit crooked but it looks so cute. Oh, and damn, he’s hunched over a beer and he smirked at something his […]
Arranged Marriage Ch. 06
“You should have told me you were coming.” Anitha said reproachfully. “I would have taken leave, nuh!” “I thought of that. However, I was more focussed on watching the expression on the Cockroach as he saw me suddenly at the door. God! It was hilarious.” “We can watch it again, you know. I have cameras […]
Angela’s Angels
I’m in my early thirties and I was between jobs. To make some extra money I took on an evening job helping in our local community hall. It didn’t involve much: just opening up in the evenings, being around when it was used and tidying and locking up afterwards. I would sit in the little […]
An Adventure
This started out as a simple idea of writing a short story about a man who is being controlled by others. It grew and evolved to what you’ll read. The story and characters are entirely fictional, but the story was enhanced by the very real and excellent editing of lovesexandmore. Thank you so much. ***** […]
An Ordinary Couple Ch. 01
I was watching from the sitting room window when they arrived shortly after two o’clock that Saturday afternoon. I had put our car away and closed the garage door so they had room to park on our drive. They came in a Volkswagen Polo, about seven years old. He held the door politely while she […]
Amber Butterfly Ch. 05
Chapter 5 – In Too Deep “Are you guys going to be at the park this year for the hydroplane races and the Blue Angels?” Amber asked Diana and Paul. Diana shook her head. “I’m leaving for home next week for the rest of the summer,” she replied. “Oh shit. That’s right. You’re going home,” […]
A visit with Vika
I have a date tonight with the most beautiful woman in the world, I am looking forward to it like no other. I take myself a shower, I shave, I get myself ready for my date, I make sure everything is as good as I can make it. I put on my favorite stainless-steel cock […]
A Transforming Trip Ch. 01
‘That is a great view’. The Agent was showing us round a few apartments and this one was the best. One of two apartments on the top floor of an L shaped block overlooking the azure blue ocean. We had just flown into St Gilbert having been given the job transfer of a lifetime. No […]
Adventure Time
“Good night Mom.” I say as I watch my mom close her bedroom door. It’s a Thursday night and luckily since I’m a senior I have first period off tomorrow. As her door completely closes I start getting ready for the night. I’m young and so is the night. Time to get my freak on! […]
A Yacht Full of Women and I’m Naked
CFNM in Croatia A couple of years ago, I was with a group of Family and Friends in Italy on vacation. I was interested in going to Croatia, which is just a short hop across the Adriatic Sea from the East coast of Italy. But no one else wanted to go, so it was suggested […]