Becoming Abby Ch. 03


We made it back to the car and as Chris was unlocking the door I kissed him on the cheek. “Don’t drive angry.” He actually blushed as he got in.

“So where are we going?” He asked.

“Back to Missy and Abby’s house.” Mary said. “I think we have had enough public outbursts for tonight.”

Missy and I couldn’t help but laugh about it. I laid my head on Missy’s shoulder and smiled at her. I’m sure that she was thinking of the rest of the story too. We drove home mostly in silence the only real speaking was Chris cursing at another driver under his breath and Mary telling him to be quiet and let it go.

As we pulled into the driveway I saw a small box sitting by the front door. Missy got there before I did and smiled shaking it at me. I bit my lip and tried not to giggle because I knew what was in there.

“What’s so funny?” Mary asked looking back and forth between us.

Missy tucked the box behind her back. “Nothing.”

“Nothing huh.” Chris stated

I unlocked the door and giggled. “Yep. Nothing.”

We all made our way into the living room I sat on the couch and Missy put the box on a shelf by the stairs. I followed it with my eyes then looked at Missy as she came over to sit next to me. “Maybe later. If your a good girl.” She whispered to me.

“Ok so I have calmed down now.” Mary said. “Now tell me what happened next.”

I smiled and looked at her. “One of the most wonderful things in Andy’s life.” I grabbed Missy’s hand and held it close. “Now it didn’t happen right away, there were several months after the trials and tribulations of his life, that Andy basically hid himself away. He had no contact with anyone other than his mother. I think it was one of the few things that kept him going. Andy’s mom said she didn’t need to understand why he wanted to dress like a woman but if that’s what he wanted then she supported him.”

“In the end she talked him into coming home and staying with her and her new husband. Andy was very nervous about it not knowing how he was going to be received. To his great surprise it was just as if nothing at all had happened. There were no questions or accusations just a welcome home.”

Missy asked if anyone would like something to drink, took orders and went to the kitchen. I continued while she was gone.

“While Andy was out on his own he had started playing an online game. He had made several friends both male and female. All of them from all over the world. One though it turned out, just happened to live a couple of towns away in the same state. For months they were just online friends playing this game together. They did share personal details about their lives. She talked about her life with the man she was living with. After a time Andy told her small parts of his past but skating around the big issues. They moved from just typing messages to face to face calls where they finally got to see what each other looked like.”

Missy came back with the drinks. “I was a hot mess most times” she joked.

I smacked her on the leg “Stop it. Andy was the mess.”

Looking back to Mary and Chris I carried on. “As they became closer Andy decided to let her know more about his past. He has come to the decision that he was going to be up front and honest about the things he wanted to do in life such as his love of wearing women’s clothes. To his great surprise the woman said she had no problem with it at all. If he wanted to dress like a woman she would not only approve but she would help. After the call is when Andy decided to take his mom up on her offer of a room until he could get back on his feet.”

“So Andy told you he didn’t have the strength to tell you this story, but he has done it once before.” I grabbed Missy’s hand. “He told the woman he had fallen in love with. He knew if there was anything about him that would make her run away it was the story of how he was used and abused and finally left on the side of the road like so much garbage. He wanted to her to know how fragile he could be.” I almost started crying through my smile. “Do you want to know what she said? She asked to meet for drinks and gave Andy the biggest hug. Andy decided he was going to do whatever it took to keep this woman in his life. He started working out again. Cleaning up his look and putting himself out there to try and get a job.”

“Everything so that he and this woman could be together. He needed his own place where she could go to get away from the dead end relationship she was in.” I wave my hand around the house. “It wasn’t this nice to start but it was a place they could call their own.” I looked at Missy and smiled “And she is still with him today.”

“Awwwww thats so sweet.” Mary said. “But that still doesn’t explain Abby.”

Chris nodded. “You said you were going to tell us where Abby came from.”

I held my hands up at them “Hold on. Hold on. I’m getting to that part. You needed something nice to hear after what I told you earlier.” I cleared my throat “Missy made me. Well Missy named me anyways. I already kinda existed. yalova escort Abby was a name Andy could use when Missy and he went out together and he was dressed as a woman. I mean, Andy can be a girls name but I think she wanted something different but not too far away. Andy, Abby. Abby, Andy. It was actually a joke the first time, but I really liked it and it stuck.”

Chris frowned. “So Missy named you Abby and…” he waved his hand up and down “It caused this?”

“No silly. It lead to this yes but it was not the cause. It’s hard to believe but stress was the cause. Andy and Missy were struggling, with work and bills and family. He really thought at one point he was going to lose her. The only time that it seemed both of them were really happy was when Andy dressed up to become Abby. But becoming Abby full time was out of the question. He did it more and more often when at home though and things got better for a while, but then the stress finally carried over into Abby as well. Andy and Abby both could see the pain the relationship was in so Andy tried one more thing to help fix it. He leaned to meditate and try and look at his problems from a different point of view.”

“Literally with new eyes. Believe it or not an outside perspective into problems most times leads to a solution. The first time I came out was an accident, and it didn’t last for very long. Andy explained to Missy what he had done and together they started working on a way to make it happen again and last longer. They looked more into meditation and even self hypnosis.”

Mary giggled a little at that.

“You can laugh but it’s true and it helped. The problem was I needed conditioning and training. Do you remember Mary what happened when you held the choker out to me up stairs?”

She nodded. “You dropped to your knees and offered your neck.”

Nodding I said “Exactly. It took months for the first trigger to work. Andy would dress as Abby and they would use a collar as a focus. The first was exactly the one you picked today. The one I wear when I am a submissive maid.”

Chris choked on his drink. “Not that again.”

“Yes that exactly. Missy would lead me around the house making me do chores like cleaning and the laundry. The next time Andy put on the collar he would meditate on the things the collar represented. Abby would start to come out a bit at a time. It was very hard for him to hold that state of mind though. It’s like walking in a trance where you have set rules and if you break the rules you lose the trance.”

Mary looked very confused. “What he finally figured out was that Abby was already a part of him. It wasn’t about trying to control me. It was actually giving up control to me. Letting go. Letting go of all the things that were holding him down and making him feel stressed. I started coming out more and more and lasting longer. Andy knows everything I do when he comes back and if something goes wrong he is back instantly anyways. So we continued my training. My submissive french maid was my first. It helped when we added the costume and I got better and better at it.”

“We decided to see what other roles I could do so we got more collars and did more training. Sometimes it worked quickly other times Andy would come back and we would have to start over. Then one day he decided to try bringing out just Abby. Not Abby the french maid, or Abby the pet, just me. He needed a different trigger so he made one up in his mind and I came out.”

“So let me get this right. Your Abby, but Andy knows everything you know, and You know everything Andy knows, so your really the same personality… Why do you talk about yourself in the third person then?” Mary demanded.

I smiled and looked at her “It helps with the release of everything. When Andy goes away he takes his stress and issues with him. It makes it easier to stay Abby by thinking of him as a different person.”

Chris ran his hand over his face. “So I still don’t see how this is going to help us.”

“Well if I can teach you to just let go even if it’s just for a minute or two I think it will help you both. Your problems what ever they are won’t go away, but maybe you can see them from another point of view while you are not focused on what’s right in front of you.”

Chris looked at Mary “I don’t want to dress up and be called Chrissy.”

We all had a good laugh at that one. “I saw you as more of a Meg” I said. He threw a pillow at me.

“Look I’m not going to try and get you to be like me. I just want to help you let go and relax. If you are willing to try.”

Mary took Chris’s hand and looked at me. “I want to try. I don’t want to be someone else but I don’t want to lose Chris over something stupid like the bills either.” Chris was nodding.

“Ok then. We can try right now if you want.” They both said yes.

“Ok this is how we start. First you have to take off all of your clothes…”

“What!?” Chris yelled.

“Kidding! Kidding!” I smiled.

“I want you to sit back and relax. I mean really zonguldak escort relax. Close your eyes and pay attention to your breathing. Feel your lungs expand and contract with each breath. In… and Out… In… and Out… now a little slower almost as if you were trying to go to sleep. In… and Out… In… and out… Your minds are full and racing from the things you have been told today, and the stressful problems you brought with you. I want you to try and think of a color. Think of black. Everything is black. Let it fill your mind washing over everything else but the sound of my voice. Black black black as far as the eye can see.”

Watching them I could see that Mary had already started to relax but Chris was breathing harder, fighting with himself.

“Chris it’s all going to be fine. You don’t have to fight. Your problems will not go away, they will still be there when you open your eyes, but for now try not to think of them. Just breath and fill your mind with black.” I could see the moment when he finally relaxed. “Everything is black, but your thoughts are trying to get back in. They don’t like to be blocked out so you need a way to stop them. I want you to add an object to the field of black in your mind. It could be anything you want. A door, a window, anything at all. I like to use a rose bud. I want you to picture that object in every detail. Focus on it. Bring it closer. Rotate it around in your minds eye looking at it from every angle until you can see it in perfect detail.”

I sat there watching the two of them, talking them through the process of clearing their minds and could see them both relaxing even more than before. “Now you have your object, you can see it in perfect detail. Open your eyes.”

Chris’s eyes found mine and then Mary’s eyes found mine. I smile at both of them. They looked at each other and smiled.

“Holy hell… I feel like I have slept for hours.” Chris said. “How long did that actually take?”

“About 20 minutes. It could have been done faster but there is no point in rushing.” I said.

Mary was all smiles. “What where you focusing on Mary?”

I don’t think I have ever seen someone turn that particular shade of red so quickly in all my life. Instead of saying anything she stood up in front of Chris pulled up her skirt a little in the back and bent over a bit to kiss me on the cheek. “Thank you Abby. For everything. I really hope that we get to spend a lot more time together.”

Chris cleared his throat and stood up. “Yes. Thank you for your help. I think I am going to take Mary home now and practice some of this meditation stuff together. Alone.”

I grinned remembering the surprise Mary had for Chris back there. “You can always borrow a French Maid dress if you think it will help.”

Mary smiled and winked. “I might just borrow the whole french maid.”

I stood up and hugged her tight then gave Chris a hug as Mary moved over to hug Missy. “This has been an interesting two days. I really hope you guys will have us back and teach us some more.” She said to Missy.

“Oh Abby and I have plenty of skill at teaching. I’m sure there will be other chances very soon to expand your education.” Missy answered.

We walked them to the door, said our good nights and watched them leave. I looked at Missy once the door was closed. She wrapped her arms around me and held me tight as I burst into tears.

“There there my lovely wifey. You did so well today. I’m really proud of you.” She whispered in my ear. “I know how hard that was and so do our friends. Did you see Chris? If he could have found one of those guys they would have regretted the day they were born.”

That made me laugh and I pulled away from her wiping away my tears. “I shouldn’t be crying it’s going to mess up my makeup.”

Missy gave me an evil grin. “I wouldn’t worry about it too much. I plan I messing up more than just your makeup tonight. You have been such a good girl the last two days I think you deserve a special night.” She looked over her shoulder. “Shall we see what’s in the box?”

I already knew what was in the box. We had ordered it a few days ago. An item that I had be excited to try out. “Yes wifey lets see whats in the box.” I anxiously whispered.

She took the box off the shelf and set down on the couch to open it. There was no kind of markings on the outside of the box that would give you a clue to the contents. Missy pulled the tape away and flipped back the lid revealing another box that had a picture of a small black anal plug on it. But pictures can be deceiving. This was no ordinary rubber plug. It was an inflatable. The second largest they had it would inflate to a 6 inch diameter. The largest would go to a full 10 inches but when you realize just how big a 6 inch diameter is… For an example your average coffee saucer is a 4 to 5 inch diameter.

Missy opened the second box and took out the plug. It was black rubber and had that new rubber smell to it. There was a tube about 24 inches long that ended in zonguldak escort a bulb pump with a quick release valve. “Ooooh this thing looks even bigger in person.” She said.

I could only nod my head staring at the thing. It was not full of air yet and I wasn’t sure how she was going to get that thing in my ass. “Wifey, I’m not sure…”

She started squeezing the pump and filling it with air. My eyes were getting as large as the plug. Missy held it up in one hand with a big grin. “This thing is fucking huge!”

Gulping a little I could only nod.

“Are you ready to try it out?” she asked.

I shook my head. The sheer size of it had me shaking. That monster in my ass? No way it would fit. Missy reached back into the box and pulled out a second item. A new leather collar. I started breathing harder. It was pink with two lines of tiny pink stones circling it. My eyes focused on the collar as she rotated it back and forth making the stones catch the light. “Are you sure?” she purred at me.

I got down on my knees and crawled over to her my eyes never leaving the collar. “Is this my treat?” I asked in a hushed whisper.

She opened the collar and held it out waiting. I pulled up my hair and let her fasten it around my neck. I dropped my hair and looked up into her eyes. “There is one more thing in here for you wifey.” Missy said reaching into the box. She dug around and pulled out a little tag that was made to hang from the collar. It said “Anal slut” I couldn’t hope to disagree as I smiled.

She fastened it to my collar and all I wanted to do was look at it some more. She had deflated the plug at some time and held it up. I looked at it and looked at her then looked again. Finally I nodded. “Very good my pet. I have a feeling you will serve me well tonight.”

She stood and headed for the stairs, I knew my role was to follow. Two paces behind at all times unless told otherwise. We went up and right into the bedroom. Missy started taking off her clothes looking over her shoulder she said one word. “Strip.” My clothes were off faster than hers. She tossed the plug on the bed and snapped her fingers at me pointing. I got on the bed on my elbows and knees with my ass in the air and breasts pushed into the covers.

Missy didn’t have to collar me for this, both of us knew that much. I would have submitted to her with just a word. She was my world and making her happy made me happy. The collar was just an added bonus for me. I love to be collar. This was no french maid silk or lace choker this was a collar meant to be used on pets and slaves. My breathing got faster as I thought about it.

My mistress was busy pulling a box out from under the bed. It was full of all the special toys we used for anal sex. From plugs to dildos to strap ons. Not to mention various lubricants. I had not had a toy in my ass since yesterday so I was going to be tight. Missy knew this so she started with a small rubber plug and some water based lube working it slowly until it slipped in to the base. I couldn’t help but moan. Her tag was exactly right, I am an anal slut.

“Oh wow your getting better at this my pet you took that one with no problem at all.” She said as she pulled it back out. It was seconds later I felt the tip of something else probing around looking for entry. An anal toy that’s like a dildo but is made of bead like shapes that start out small and slowly get bigger towards the base. I knotted my hands in the covers as I felt the first bead push past my ring. I felt the coldness of the lube as she squirted a little more around my opening then the stretch as she push the second bead in.

I felt it slip in with a pop as I contracted around the toy. The third bead was a little bigger and she had to push a little harder to get it to pop in. I moaned loudly and tried to relax my ass for her. Her hand slipped between my legs and cupped my balls. “Look how hard you are already. I’m going to put that to good use tonight my pet so you better not cum.” POP the fourth bead went in and pre cum dribbled down to the bed. Missy caught it in her hand and licked it off. “Mmmmm”.

I have never been able to take the fifth bead. First just the length of the toy made it difficult and then there was the size. Missy twisted the toy around in my ass pulling it back until the fourth bead almost come out then pushing it back in adding a little pressure against the fifth. Over and over and then there was the real pain. She leaned in putting her weight behind the push and the last bead forced its way in. I cried out with the pain but pushed back at the same time wanting it inside me.

Her breath heavy in my ear, Missy leaned over my back “Finally. After weeks of trying you took the whole thing my pet. You are definitely going to be ready now.” I arched my back as my ass tried to force the toy out. Missy held her leg against it making sure it couldn’t be removed.

“Ah ah ah ah… so big… it hurts mistress.. Yellow… yellow” I moaned

“I’m sorry my pet we will slow down.” She purred in to my ear as she pulled the toy back to the third bead. We had a long establish system of safe words. Green meaning go, yellow was slowdown, and red was to stop completely. She gave me time to relax a little my ass clutching around the toy my hands slowly opening in the blankets.

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